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San Jose Divorce Attorneys

Trust Anthoor Law Group for Expert Guidance in Navigating Divorce in San Jose
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Divorce Attorneys in San Jose, CA

Divorcing in San Jose can be an emotionally and mentally challenging experience. Alongside the challenges of changing family dynamics and house arrangements, there’s also the complex legal process involved. It's crucial to have a compassionate and knowledgeable legal team by your side to support you through this difficult time. 

At Anthoor Law Group, we understand the unique complexities of divorce in San Jose and are here to guide you every step of the way. We’ll answer all your questions, address your concerns, and endeavor to make the divorce process as smooth and easy as possible for you and your family.

How Our San Jose Divorce Lawyers Can Help

Our experienced San Jose divorce lawyers are dedicated to providing personalized and effective legal representation tailored to your specific needs. We recognize that every divorce case is unique, and we strive to offer compassionate guidance while protecting your rights and interests throughout the process. From initial consultation to final resolution, we are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of divorce and achieve a favorable outcome.

Options for Getting a Divorce in San Jose, CA

In San Jose, California, there are various options available for dissolving a marriage. Our skilled attorneys can assist you with the following:

  • Divorce: The most common option, divorce legally terminates the marriage, and addresses property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support.
  • Legal Separation: In cases where couples wish to separate without officially ending the marriage, legal separation provides a formal agreement addressing similar issues as divorce, such as property division and support. However, the couple remains legally married.
  • Annulment: An annulment declares the marriage null and void as if it never existed. It requires specific grounds, such as fraud, bigamy, or incapacity at the time of marriage.

Requirements for Divorce in San Jose

To file for divorce in San Jose, certain requirements must be met, including:

  • Fault: California follows a "no-fault" divorce system, meaning that neither party needs to prove wrongdoing or assign blame for the marriage's breakdown. Irreconcilable differences are sufficient grounds for divorce.
  • Residency: At least one spouse must meet the residency requirement, which entails living in California for a minimum of six months and residing in the county where the divorce is filed for at least three months.
  • Waiting Period: There is a mandatory waiting period of six months from the date the divorce petition is served to the other party before a divorce can be finalized. This waiting period allows for a cooling-off period and the opportunity for reconciliation if desired.

The Process of Filing for Divorce in San Jose

Filing for divorce in San Jose involves several key steps, including:

  1. Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with our San Jose divorce lawyers to discuss your situation, concerns, and goals. We will provide personalized advice and outline the best strategies to protect your interests.
  2. Petition and Response: The divorce process begins with filing a divorce petition, which outlines the grounds for divorce and desired outcomes. The other party then has an opportunity to respond, either agreeing or contesting the terms.
  3. Discovery and Negotiation: Both parties exchange relevant information, engage in negotiations, and work towards resolving key issues such as property division, support, and child custody. Our skilled attorneys will advocate for your interests throughout this process.
  4. Settlement or Trial: If an agreement is reached, it will be formalized in a settlement agreement. If unresolved issues persist, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge will make final decisions based on the evidence presented.

Take the First Step: Schedule a Consultation

Embarking on the divorce process can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. Contact Anthoor Law Group today to schedule a consultation with our compassionate and experienced San Jose divorce lawyers. Let us guide you through the complexities of divorce, protect your rights, and work toward a favorable resolution. Your future starts with Anthoor Law Group.

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Family Law


In the Bay Area, you need a legal team that you can trust to represent your interests and protect your rights. The attorneys at Anthoor Law Group give you the following benefits:

  • Fast Action, Avoiding Delays – We provide responsive, solution-oriented service to keep you informed and meet your needs, so you can move forward with your life. Our firm understands how to move through the legal process in a swift and timely manner.
  • We Are Efficient – We promote dignity, fairness, collaboration, and conversation to avoid adversarial interactions among parties.
  • Multilingual Staff – Our attorneys and staff are prepared to work with a diverse set of clients in the Bay Area, and we are members of both the American Bar Association and the Bar Council of India.
  • We Work With Your Future In Mind – Your family and your happiness are at stake, and we want to set you and your loved ones up for a better future.

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A Professional Corporation

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Mon-Fri: 9am – 6:30pm

Anthoor Law Group, A Professional Corporation a law firm, is conveniently located in Fremont, California. We are committed to providing each of our clients with the highest quality of legal representation possible.

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